This book came about almost by accident and certainly because of lockdown. Jude introduced her Mum and Aunt to the wonders of zoom and the three women, in different countries, connected every Sunday evening (morning in Canada). During lockdown, conversations were very predictable and limited to politics, covid numbers and the state of long unruly hair.

These creative women in their 50’s, 70’s and 80’s set each other writing tasks for the following week and then shared their work amid oohs and aahs and tears and belly laughs. Just what was needed as week after week they were stuck at home. The creativity, story telling and poetry are varied and at times moving or intriguing or just funny and ridiculous

Now that lockdown is hopefully easing, they still continue their weekly meetings. They are all students of ‘The Artists Way’ by best-selling author Julia Cameron. Her talent has helped them believe in their own creativity. They are also students of ‘Writing Down The Bones ‘ by Natalie Goldberg. She taught them that it was ok to let go, not hold back and just see what happens. It is hoped that readers might be inspired to try this way of writing and have fun trying some of the assignments mentioned in the book.


Sandra Petrie

Sandra grew up in the Scottish Borders prior to becoming a teacher of 5-to-8 year olds. In the early sixties she took a three-year contract to teach in a prestigious boarding school in Winnipeg, Manitoba in central Canada. On finishing her term there, she married and raised a family, becoming a Canadian citizen. She later moved to Banff, Alberta in one of Canada’s best known national parks where she taught until her retirement in 1995. It was then that she moved to where she now lives on Vancouver Island with her dog Chester. She is a volunteer teacher at Elder College at Vancouver Island University. She teaches a course called “Who knew writing could be fun.

Jude Beveridge

Jude was introduced to stream of consciousness writing while visiting Sandra (her Aunt) in Canada in the 1990’s. At the beginning of lockdown, she had learnt to use Zoom for her business as a Mentor and Person-centred counsellor working with young people and our writing group was born. Sunday evenings became something to look forward to – a welcome connection with family who she couldn’t see. She has found that this regular writing practice has enhanced all areas of her creativity. Jude enjoys reading, writing, gardening, and playing cricket and loves her work. She lives in beautiful North Cumbria in Northern England with her son and their dog. Her walks in the countryside continue to inspire her and have sustained her over lockdown, and fuelled her imagination.

Carol Beveridge

Carol is Jude’s Mum and Sandra’s sister. She trained as a healer over twenty years ago. She has published two short novels – “From a Great Oak a Little Accountant grew”- and “Whatever Happened to Rachel.” She also wrote the little blue book called “Has Anyone Told You Today” and co- wrote and produced with Jude the self-esteem cards –“B There 4 Yourself.” Carol lives in a small village in the Scottish Borders with her husband Gordon and cat Leo and finds the quiet beauty there a perfect healing place. She enjoys reading, painting, walking, gardening and golf and continues with her healing support work